Should I Unplug My Tesla During a Thunderstorm?

Is it safer to unplug your Tesla from its charging station to protect it from potential electrical surges or lightning strikes?

This article delves into whether or not you should unplug your Tesla during a thunderstorm and the safety considerations associated with it.

We will explore factors like the built-in protective measures for the charging system, the risk of lightning strikes, and additional precautions owners can take to protect their EVs during such weather events.

Understanding Thunderstorms and Lightning

Thunderstorms are a fascinating yet powerful force in nature. They occur when warm, moist air rises and creates a low-pressure area in the atmosphere.

As the air cools and condenses, it can generate rain, hail, strong winds, and lightning. Lightning storms are intense electrical discharges resulting from the imbalance of positive and negative charges within the storm cloud and between the cloud and the ground.

The National Weather Service classifies an intense thunderstorm as severe when it produces hail at least 1 inch in diameter, winds exceeding 58 mph, and tornadoes. It is essential to understand the dynamics of thunderstorms and lightning to ensure safety during these potentially dangerous events.

Types of Lightning Strikes

There are several types of lightning strikes, including:

  1. Cloud-to-Ground lightning (CG): This is the most familiar and dangerous type of lightning, where a discharge occurs between a cloud and the ground. It can cause fires, injuries, and fatalities.
  2. Intracloud lightning (IC): Also known as sheet lightning, it occurs within a single cloud and accounts for most lightning during a storm event.
  3. Cloud-to-Cloud lightning (CC): This type involves a discharge between two separate clouds and is less common than IC lightning.

Understanding the different types of lightning strikes and their potential risks can help you take appropriate safety measures when encountering a thunderstorm.

The severity of thunderstorms, coupled with lightning’s unpredictability, makes it crucial to prioritize safety during these events, such as unplugging sensitive electronic devices like a Tesla during a thunderstorm.

Tesla and Electric Cars in Thunderstorms

Tesla In Lightening

Safety Features of Tesla Vehicles

Tesla vehicles, including the popular Tesla Model 3, come equipped with various safety features to protect not only the passengers but also the electrical and charging systems during thunderstorms.

Some of these features include:

  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): This protects the charging system by detecting irregularities in the electrical circuit and automatically shutting off the power in the event of a fault, such as lightning striking near the charging station.
  • Surge Protection: Tesla charging stations, like the J1772 EVSE and HPWC, have built-in surge protection systems designed to handle electrical surges caused by lightning strikes.

Impact of Lightning on Electric Cars

The chances of lightning directly striking an electric car like a Tesla are relatively low. However, lightning can cause damage to the electrical system and charging stations if it strikes nearby. Some concerns and potential impact areas include:

  1. Damage to the charging station: Lightning can cause damage to external charging stations or the electrical grid connected to them. Whether using a J1772 EVSE or an HPWC, the in-built safety features help mitigate the risks. However, unplugging your Tesla from a charging station during a thunderstorm can add an extra layer of protection.
  2. Damage to the vehicle’s electrical system: Although unlikely, lightning could possibly cause damage to the electrical system of a Tesla or any other electric car. The vehicle’s design and grounding system help protect the vehicle from direct lightning strikes, but there is still a slight risk.

Preventive Measures During Thunderstorms

Square D HEPD80 Universal Whole House Surge Protection Device, 1-Phase, 3-Wire for 120/240V, 80kA

Surge Protection for Your Home

Invest in a high-quality whole-house surge protector that can safeguard your home against power surges. These devices are installed at your electrical service panel and can effectively divert and shunt excess voltage away from your house’s electrical system, protecting your electronics and appliances against damage.

It’s essential to ensure that your whole house surge protector is installed by a qualified professional to guarantee the proper installation and correct connections to your electrical system. Additionally, regular maintenance is necessary to replace any worn-out components within the protector.

Protecting Electronics and Appliances

To protect individual electronic devices, such as your Tesla car charger, computer, or television, make sure to plug them into surge protectors. These suppressors act as a buffer between the devices and the power source, preventing damage from power surges and voltage fluctuations.

When a thunderstorm is approaching, you should unplug all non-essential electronics and appliances, especially those that don’t have surge protectors. This simple step helps minimize the risk of damage due to lightning strikes on electric power lines, which can result in power surges.

Keep in mind that the garage, where the Tesla charger is likely located, should also be protected. If feasible, consider installing lightning rods or surge protection in your garage to safeguard your vehicle and charger from potential lightning damage.

Emergency Steps to Take During Thunderstorms


During a thunderstorm, you should unplug your Tesla and other electrical appliances. This is to prevent any potential power surges that can damage the devices or cause a fire. Additionally, unplugging can help conserve energy, as appliances that are turned off but still plugged in can draw power, often referred to as “vampire power”.

You should also avoid using water during a thunderstorm. Ensure that you don’t take a shower, use the toilet or wash your hands, as lightning can travel through pipes and cause electrocution risks. Similarly, it’s best to avoid any commercial activities like a car wash that uses water during a storm.

Staying Safe

Here are some tips to ensure you stay safe during a thunderstorm:

  • Stay indoors: The safest place to be during a thunderstorm is inside a building or vehicle, with windows and doors closed. If you’re already out in the storm, try to find shelter as soon as possible.
  • Stay low: If you’re outside and unable to find shelter, crouch down and cover your head with your arms. Avoid tall structures, trees, or any metal objects.
  • Stay away from windows and doors: Lightning can strike through windows, so it’s essential to keep a safe distance from them during a storm.
  • Avoid using electronic devices: Refrain from using devices like laptops, tablets, or phones, as they can attract lightning and put you in danger.

While you don’t necessarily need to “hide under the bed,” it is a good idea to stay away from windows and remain in the center of your home or on the lowest floor possible. Following these simple steps will mitigate the risks and ensure a safer experience during a thunderstorm.

Frequently Asked Questions and Misconceptions

Is It Safe to Drive My Tesla During a Storm?

Yes, it is generally safe to drive your Tesla during a storm. Most modern electric vehicles, including Teslas, are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. However, it is vital to exercise caution during a thunderstorm, just as with any other vehicle. Slow down, maintain a safe distance from other cars, and avoid driving through flooded areas.

Will My Insurance Cover Lightning Damage to My Tesla?

Insurance coverage for lightning damage depends on your specific insurance policy.

Generally, comprehensive coverage will cover lightning damage to your Tesla. To confirm this, review your insurance policy or contact your insurance provider to ensure that lightning risks are included in your coverage.

Insurance TypeWill it Cover Lightning Damage?

Do Metal Car Bodies Attract More Lightning?

The external body of Tesla cars, like other metal-bodied vehicles, does not tend to attract more lightning. A lightning strike usually targets the tallest, most conductive object in its path. While a metal car body is conductive, it doesn’t increase the odds of being struck by lightning compared to other structural materials.

However, your Tesla’s body does help disperse the lightning’s electrical energy, offering some protection to the interior and its occupants.

  • Metal car bodies do not attract more lightning.
  • Exercise caution and avoid driving during severe thunderstorms when possible.

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